2021 Lincoln Day | Date Coming Soon!

Lincoln Day is the annual formal for the Alpha Epsilon chapter of Zeta Psi. Held in the spring semester, the event celebrates our chapter’s founding history as wards of several historical artifacts of the president: original molds of Lincoln’s hands and face. After the folding of the chapter at the University of Chicago, several priceless Lincoln artifacts were transferred out of state to the Xi chapter at Michigan, and would not be returned to the Land of Lincoln until another Zeta Psi chapter was founded in Illinois with Abraham Lincoln as its patron saint. After years of financial struggles, a pioneering group of men founded the Alpha Epsilon chapter in 1909 and reclaimed the artifacts. Lincoln Day, therefore, is not only a celebration of the achievements of the Alpha Epsilon chapter or of the Zeta Psi fraternity as a whole, but also a solemn reminder of the founding aims of the Alpha Epsilon chapter, the development of men with great leadership and character with the great emancipator Abraham Lincoln as a role model.

If you have any questions regarding the event, please contact us at alumni@aezetes.org